Interventional Cardiology Cath Core Lab

The Davis Heart and Lung Research Institute's Interventional Cath Core fosters the development of interventional devices, therapies, and techniques by providing a translational laboratory setting where basic research findings can be developed into clinically relevant treatments for cardiovascular diseases. The Non-GLP core is set up to accommodate a wide variety of interventional cardiac procedures using large animal models. Minimally invasive chronic procedures are permitted in this space. Non-cardiac studies can also benefit from the use of fluoroscopic guidance allowing real time x-ray confirmation during procedures. Orthopedic groups have found it useful for guiding injections into joints. The aide of a contrast agent makes it possible for surgeons to look for leaks following procedures in the GI tract.

The core is equipped with an OEC 9800 mobile C-arm with cardiac package and digitally archived images.

Support equipment include an anesthesia machine, ventilator, basic monitoring equipment (ECG, pressure, pulse Ox), cautery, IV pump and power injector.

Please contact Matthew Joseph ( with any questions.

Interventional Cardiology Cath Core Manager

Matt Joseph

Matthew Joseph

COre manager

Senior Research Associate


Interventional Cardiology Cath Core Information