Support Innovative Research

Research within The Dorothy M. Davis Heart and Lung Research Institute focuses on real world disease in Ohio and the United States. Your philanthropic support of the Institute supports innovative research toward five of the top eight killers of people in the United States each year. In fact, cardiovascular disease (#1), respiratory disorders (#3) and stroke (#4), are three of the top four causes of death for Americans.

Each day we have the opportunity to work in teams to make new discoveries to impact the lives of patients in Ohio and across the globe. Through your generous philanthropic support we can continue our fight to push new innovative research for novel diagnostics and treatments for cardiovascular disease, stroke, pulmonary disease, diabetes and renal dysfunction.

We need you

Wells Visit Group Photo

We are driven, as individuals and teams, to discover new diagnostics and treatments focused on real-world medicine. Additionally, our labs train the next generation of physicians, scientists, pharmacists, bioengineers, geneticists, nurses and teachers. The breakthroughs that are made each day at The Dorothy M. Davis Heart & Lung Research Institute are in large part to the philanthropic support of our donors. These donations drive our education and research programs.

While we employ a collaborative approach within our walls, we believe that this same concept of collaboration extends beyond the Ohio State campus. Whether it is from an individual, a community or an organization, each donation goes directly to support our key mission and plays a critical role in the next discovery.

In realistic terms, donations keep the laboratories within The Dorothy M. Davis Heart and Lung Research Institute up and running. We are grateful for the support of the community to improve the lives of those affected by life-threatening diseases.

Donate Directly

To support the institute, please send your tax-deductible donations to:

The Ohio State University Foundation
c/o The Dorothy M. Davis Heart & Lung Research Institute
PO Box 710811
Columbus, OH 43271-0811

Phone: 614-292-5019

Our Donor Stories


Bob and Corrine Frick

In 2018, Bob and Corrine Frick's transformational gift funded the Bob and Corrine Frick Center for Heart Failure and Arrhythmia, which was founded to study the intersection of the two diseases.

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Joe and Linda Chlapaty

"Our interdisciplinary research teams are proud to partner with Joe and Linda to impact the lives of individuals in Ohio and around the globe. This is an exciting day to be a Buckeye." 

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Davis Foundation

The Davis Foundation

"This latest generous and significant gift will enable the DHLRI to continue to lead in funding new treatments for patients with acute and chronic diseases of the heart and lungs."

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