Our Electives

Both secondary rotations and electives are meant to diversify an intern’s training beyond their primary area of interest. Interns on the Adult Track are required to complete a one day per week secondary clinical rotation. Secondary rotations last for a full year and interns will receive supervision throughout their experience. We typically contact interns prior to the start of internship regarding the secondary rotations that are available for the year.

All interns have the option to select an elective which typically occurs on Wednesday mornings. The elective experience is meant to provide interns with options that are in addition to or different from their area of concentration. The electives may be relatively brief experiences (e.g., co-leading a time limited group) or be of longer duration (e.g., providing psychotherapy for 2 – 3 patients with specialized needs over the course of a year). In the case of electives, the intern will need to be making good progress on their primary rotation(s) in order to take advantage of these additional experiences. Participation in electives is at the discretion of the intern’s supervisors and the Director of Clinical Psychology Training.

Interns are encouraged to select from the opportunities noted below. Interns will receive supervision from their elective supervisor. Please note that not all secondary rotations/electives are available any given year.