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MDSR awards (Including the Roessler, Banes, Bennett, and Watts Research Scholarships) are available to medical students for original research performed under the guidance of the faculty of the College of Medicine. The goal is to engage medical students in biomedical discovery and scholarly inquiry and to encourage students to consider a future academic career in biomedical research. Please note each faculty member may only mentor two medical students through the MDSR program during each given funding period. Direct any application questions to Research.Education@osumc.edu.
*Please note MDSR awards only fund original hypothesis driven research projects; systemic reviews, literature reviews, case reports, and non-hypothesis driven research projects do not qualify for MDSR funding.
Phase I
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Required documents:
- Phase I Cover Page
- Commitments of Research Mentors
- Medical Students Commitments Compact *Mentor/Mentee Compacts: Each must be signed by both student and mentor; digital signatures are encouraged.
IRB and IACUC Protocols: If your research involves human subjects or patient data, you will need to provide the Institutional Review Board (IRB) protocol approval/exemption number and provide the amendment documentation that you have been added as key personnel by Phase II of your submission. For research involving animals, you will need to provide the Institutional Lab Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) approval/exemption number. Approval by the appropriate regulatory body for these issues is the responsibility of the student’s mentor. These documents will be uploaded with Phase II, however, you will have to indicate where you are in the process with Phase I. Additional information is available through the Office of Environmental Health and Safety at http://ehs.osu.edu/ and The Office of Responsible Research Practices http://orrp.osu.edu/irb/
Helpful documents:
- Phase 1 Instructions
- Checklist for Medical Student Research IRB or IACUC approval
- Checklist for Medical Student Research Scholarship Application
Submit Phase I of the MDSR Research Proposal
Phase II
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Required documents:
- Phase II Cover Page / Phase II Cover Page_word
- Mentor Letter of Reference on letterhead with signature
- 1 Page Student Applicant Biographical Sketch
- Mentor_Bio_example (NIH format preferred)
- MDSRS Timeline Outline
IRB and IACUC Protocol Approval: If your research involves human subjects or patient data, you will need to provide the Institutional Review Board (IRB) protocol approval/exemption number and provide the amendment documentation that you have been added as key personnel by Phase II of your submission. For research involving animals, you will need to provide the Institutional Lab Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) approval/exemption number. Approval by the appropriate regulatory body for these issues is the responsibility of the students mentor. Additional information is available through the Office of Environmental Health and Safety at http://ehs.osu.edu and The Office of Responsible Research Practices http://orrp.osu.edu/irb/
Helpful documents: