Advanced Competency: LSI Surgeon-Scientist Advanced Competency

The LSI Surgeon-Scientist Advanced Competency was implemented to address the national concern regarding a shrinking physician scientist workforce at academic medical centers and an insufficient pipeline of physician-scientists as noted in the NIH Adhoc Physician Scientist Workforce Working Group Report (2014). These deficiencies are even more acute for surgeon-scientists as noted in multiple publications over the past several years in the Annals of Surgery. AAMC 2018 report indicates a growing interest in surgical specialties among dual degree MD PhD students.

Students will advance their scientific and career development through scholarship, mentorship and participation in the national community of surgeon-scientists.

The goals for the advanced competency program are to utilize the full resources of The Ohio State University (OSU) for the purpose of developing surgeon-scientists within the OSU College of Medicine; to advance scholarly research within medical students pursuing training in surgical specialties; and to facilitate career development and provide networking opportunities for medical students interested in a career as a surgeon-scientist.

The learning objectives are to understand the fundamentals of scientific study design and how to apply study design principles to research questions of relevance to surgical disease and practice by completing a longitudinal mentored research project; to develop written and oral science communication skills by participating in writing and presentation of results of scholarly research; to critically evaluate and analyze published works by participating in journal clubs and literature review for mentored research; and to develop a network of colleagues and mentors, both within OSU and the national surgical community who will provide professional advice and guidance regarding a surgeon-scientist career by attendance at Surgeon-Scientist Career presentations, DOS Surgery Grand Rounds, American College of Surgeons annual meeting, and other local/regional/national scientific meetings.

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