- MD Student Research Resources
- Apply for Medical Student Research Scholarship
- Intramural Scholarships
- Extramural Scholarships
- MDSR Summer Fellowship Projects
- The National Institutes of Health (NIH) funded (SUPER) Summer Training Program
- Find a Mentor
- LSI Surgeon-Scientist Advanced Competency
- Resources for Research Mentors
- Our People
Current Research Scholars are expected to:
- Attend a Medical Student Research Orientation Session (check out our calendar of events page for upcoming dates)
- Submit approved IRB or IACUC protocols or justification from the faculty mentor that such protocols are unnecessary for the funded project. Please check with the MDSR office to see find out protocol deadline.
- Submit a final research report
- Present a poster at the Annual Medical Student Research Symposium
- An evaluation of the research experience
- Submit an annual research productivity report
If there is a change to your project or an extension is necessary a change in project form must be submitted prior to the final report deadline
Resources for Current Scholars
- IHIS for MDSR scholars via Horizon
- Submit Compliance documentation
- Download the MDSR Scholarship Requirements
MDSR Learning Modules
Submit your 1–3-page summary and or outcome page including quiz scores with MDSR checkpoints and final report.
1. All MDSR Scholars Complete longitudinal on-line learning below:
- https://ocr.od.nih.gov/courses/ippcr.html (create an account prior to June 30th)
- Complete the Introduction to the Principles and Practice of Clinical Research (IPPCR) Course by Aug.1st deadline.
- Submit final certificate at completion of course.
2. All Scholars select 3 categories to complete from the on-line learning modules from the 7 different categories listed below:
Science Communication - watch then submit 1- 3 page report on content
- Talking Science: Designing and Delivering Successful Oral Presentations
- Creating and Presenting Dynamic Posters
- Creating and Presenting Virtual Posters
Grants/Grant Writing - watch then submit 1-3 page report
- Grant Writing 101
- Introduction to Grant Writing I: Demystifying the NIH Grant Review Process
- Introduction to Grant Writing II: Strategies for Writing Effective Training and Research Plans
Science Literacy - read all content then submit 1-2 page report
- https://www.nccih.nih.gov/health/know-science/how-to-make-sense-of-a-scientific-journal-article/overview
- Science Literacy: Concepts, Contexts and Consequences
Data Management - read all content then submit 1-2 page final report
- Keeping a Laboratory Notebook
- Data management and questions: https://ori.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/data.pdf
Clinical Research Ethics - read and watch all content then submit 1-2 page report
- What makes Clinical Research Ethical?
- 7 Principles of Ethical Clinical Research & Application to Study Examples https://www.nih.gov/health-information/nih-clinical-research-trials-you/guiding-principles-ethical-research
- https://www.bioethics.nih.gov/sites/nihbioethics/files/bioethics-files/slides/10-29-03-Emmanuel.pdf
- Human Subjects Research 101
Conduct of Retrospective Chart Reviews with Scientific Rigor - read and watch all content then submit 1-2 page report
- The retrospective chart review: important methodological consideration
- Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI)
- Human Subjects Research 101
Biostatistics (can pick one or both learning modules)
- StatPrimer submit exercises
- MDSR Biostatistics course - attendance requirements/counts as 2 modules, email with details will be sent after attestations are submitted
Your mentor and their lab will determine if your project necessitates an IRB or IACUC approval. This determination should have been made at the application process. If your project has changed from the original proposed and funded application and you now need IRB or IACUC approval, your mentor, lab coordinator or research assistant should submit the protocol to the appropriate approval body. You are responsible for all online or in-laboratory training to keep compliant with any proposed amendments or protocols.
Resource: Human Subjects Research at OSU (PDF)
Occasionally in research, timelines and methods need to be adjusted for a variety of reasons. The Medical Student Research Office understands how fluid research can be and wants to be made aware of changes from your original application protocol.
If you or your mentor realize you will need an extension from your original end date, change your methods, specific aims, duties or hypotheses on your project, please complete and submit the extension/change in project request to the Office of Medical Student Research as soon as possible.
Projects are sometimes permitted to continue into the next academic year. However, your time in the lab will be limited significantly due to your increased course load. This request should be submitted either by or in conjunction with your mentor so he or she has approved the proposed changes. Submit an Extension/Change in Project form.
Should you or your mentor have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Office of Medical Student Research at research.education@osumc.edu.
When is my final report due?
All final reports for short term projects are due about 2 weeks after you begin Med2. Final reports for 1 year research experiences are due in July. *See Orientation handouts and current scholars tab for exact dates.
What is the format?
Visit the Current Scholars page for more information regarding final report formatting.
How long does the report need to be?
The length of the final report should be dictated first by your research and second by your mentor. The final report should be however long it needs to be in order to succinctly, clearly, and intelligently describe the background, topic area, methods, discussion and conclusions. It should also include any presentation or publication outcomes from your work.
Who do I turn in my report to?
Final reports are submitted electronically via the Current Scholars page.
I have submitted an extension request, how do I submit an interim report?
Interim reports are submitted electronically via the Current Scholars page.
Do you have sample final reports?
Final reports are specific to research proposals and experiments conducted by the students and their mentors. The Office of Medical Student Research does not have sample final reports made available to students.