Advancing the field through transformative clinical research

Clinical research supports physician understanding of the mechanisms that lead to new treatment solutions. Once these solutions are developed, clinical trials ensure that they’re safe and effective for the patients who need them. 

Acute pancreatitis

Acute pancreatitis is one of the most common causes of GI-related hospitalizations in the United States, with few treatment options currently available. At the Ohio State Wexner Medical Center, we’re focused on finding novel solutions for treating this disease and its complications. 

Chronic pancreatitis

The Ohio State Wexner Medical Center is home to the Chronic Pancreatitis, Diabetes, and Pancreatic Cancer (CPDPC) Consortium funded by the National Institutes of Health, and we’re leading the way to identify the natural course of this debilitating disease. 

  • Our focus is on examining how this disease affects patient-centered outcomes and how endoscopic therapies may help.  
  • We’re also exploring novel treatment options, including the use of soy-tomato-based dietary interventions and anti-inflammatory agents. 
  • In addition, we’re one of the participating sites for the Prospective Observational Study of TPIAT (POST) study investigating the effectiveness of total pancreatectomy with islet auto-transplantation as a treatment for chronic pancreatitis.

Pancreatic cancer

In collaboration with our colleagues at The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center – Arthur G. James Cancer Hospital and Richard J. Solove Research Institute, we’re examining:

  • How to detect pancreatic cancer earlier 
  • How pancreatic cancer affects the endocrine system 
  • The benefits of different stents in reducing complications of pancreatic cancer, including gastric outlet obstruction and biliary obstruction

Pancreatic cysts

As a key referral center for patients with pancreatic cysts, we’re a national leader employing state-of-the-art multimodality investigations. We focus on a highly accurate diagnosis of pancreatic cysts to facilitate appropriate and necessary management.  

  • We believe our multimodality approach encompassing endoscopic ultrasound-guided confocal laser endomicroscopy imaging and next-generation sequencing analysis leads to a specific diagnosis of pancreatic cyst and aids in risk assessment of precancerous neoplasms. 
  • We’re also examining novel ways of injecting chemotherapy directly into cysts as a nonsurgical treatment option. 

Pancreas divisum

As one of the participating sites of the premier, randomized control study on pancreas divisum, the SpHincterotomy for Acute Recurrent Pancreatitis (SHARP) Trial funded by the National Institutes of Health, we’re seeking the best treatment course for patients who have pancreas divisum with repeated episodes of pancreatitis. 

Endoscopic submucosal dissection

Using the most advanced technique for removing polyps and masses from the esophagus, stomach and colon, we’re committed to determining what specific kinds of lesions should be removed using this innovative technique. 


Achalasia is a swallowing disorder of the esophagus that has traditionally been treated with surgery. However, POEM (peroral endoscopic myotomy) now allows us to cut the esophageal muscle internally without any incisions to the skin. This cutting-edge treatment is offered at the Ohio State Wexner Medical Center to patients with achalasia and related conditions. 

Gastrointestinal leaks, perforation and fistulae

Holes in the gastrointestinal tract can be challenging to manage, as surgery is not always curative. 

At the Ohio State Wexner Medical Center, we use innovative techniques, such as endoscopic suturing, over-the-scope-clip placement and endoscopic vacuum therapy, and we’re constantly seeking additional endoscopic ways to treat defects that improve patient outcomes.