Resident Inpatient Rotations

The Ohio State University has long featured an inpatient subspecialty ward system. During their residency training, residents rotate through a variety of general internal medicine and subspecialty inpatient services. Residents learn to care for patients from experts in their field. Each inpatient service is supported by case managers and social workers to help facilitate complex disposition arrangements, as well as a pharmacist to assist with dosing, interactions, stewardship, and education.

Resident Outpatient Rotations

With the exception of hospitalists and critical care physicians, most internists will spend a substantial portion of their professional life in the outpatient environment. Even hospitalists and critical care physicians need an understanding of the types of conditions that can be effectively cared for in the outpatient environment so that they can plan for transitioning the care of their patients back to their colleagues in the ambulatory arena. Thus, training in the outpatient setting is an essential part of an internal medicine residency program.

Outpatient experiences include the Resident Continuity Clinic, the Columbus Veteran's Administration outpatient facility, primary care subspecialty practice sites and a rural community health elective in Ohio communities.


  • Martha Morehouse
  • Outpatient Care East

Elective Rotation Opportunities

We provide the opportunity for residents to tailor their educational experience to build on their special interests and goals through the use of enrichment activities and electives. Elective rotations provide the opportunity for our residents to tailor their education to their individual career paths. 

Some electives occur exclusively in either the inpatient or outpatient environment; while others have clinical opportunities that are in both environments.

Non-Clinical Electives

Educational Training Conferences

Our educational conferences are diverse in their content and format. Conferences are a core aspect of our resident training. Planned conferences help residents perfect their clinical problem solving skills and learn the critical background information and evidence that will help them become outstanding internists.


In addition to our education curriculum and electives provided to all residents in our department, we offer additional educational experiences tailored to a resident’s specific career goals and interests. Pathways are longitudinal throughout training and provide selected residents access to faculty experts, resources, and protected time to develop their skills. Each pathway requires an application if interested in pursuing after residency matriculation.

Resident Educational Sites

Three of the educational sites for our residents are on the main OSU Campus (OSU Main). This central location makes it easy for residents to move between hospitals and to meet other professional students from the other university colleges. Faculty enjoy collaboration with other professionals from the Colleges of Pharmacy, Engineering and Public Health. Other educational sites are chosen off campus to provide residents with the diversity of patient experiences essential to the internist in training.

Call Schedule

Night Team

At Ohio State, we felt the traditional model of inpatient long-call (ie “q4” night shifts) generates unnecessary fatigue and sacrifices both learning potential and quality of patient care. We instead created a night team responsible for the care of patients on our teaching services over night. The team collaborates with the day team to share management duties. Those on inpatient services have 6am sign-in and 5pm sign-out. For interns, the night team month is known for development in admitting patients and dealing with overnight urgent and emergent clinical scenarios. For residents, the night team month is known for building leadership and care management skills. Just as important, the camaraderie that forms between the team members over the course of the month lasts for years to follow.

Internal Medicine Residency Experience for Neurology Applicants