- Match into a 4 year pathway guaranteeing residency and fellowship training at Ohio State
- Share in the benefits of OSU’s Primary Care Track during years 1-3
- 50% in Ambulatory Setting with 4 weeks clinic: 4 weeks inpatient schedule
- Strong continuity clinic experience with diverse patient panel of all adult ages
- Close comradery with primary care track colleagues
- Opportunities for scholarship, teaching, quality improvement and leadership development
- 4 years of an added geriatric continuity clinic experience
- Inpatient and outpatient geriatric experiences during residency and fellowship
- Fellowship highlights
- Memory/movement clinics
- Osteoporosis clinic
- Rheumatology clinic
- Community nursing home involvement
- Home visits
- Wound clinic
- Geriatric subspecialty rotations (e.g., cardiology, hematology/oncology)
Applying to the Internal Medicine-Geriatrics Integrated Residency and Fellowship
- Separate ERAS and NRMP listings for this track
- Coordinated with Primary Care Track interview days (given likely applicant interest in both)
- Geriatrics fellowship and IM residency leadership involved in interview and selection process
- Applicants are welcome to apply to and rank all OSU IM tracks that interest them