With all the novel targeted agents and molecular markers being presented at the international meetings, I wanted to understand more about the molecular background in AML, and to learn more about both basic and translational research. After two and a half years of clinical training, I was given the unique opportunity to start a postdoctoral fellowship under the mentorship of not only one, but two of the most distinguished and world-renowned experts in the fields of AML and cancer genetics: Clara D. Bloomfield and Albert de la Chapelle at The Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio. Under their joint supervision I was trained in both translational research (with a focus on prognostically significant molecular markers in AML), and also in basic molecular biology and cancer genetics. So far I have published six first author papers, which were accepted to Science Signaling, Leukemia, Blood, PNAS and the British Journal of Hematology. My discoveries include the prognostic significance and underlying signaling pathway of miR-3151, an intronic microRNA which is located in the genomic locus of the BAALC gene, and also the identification and molecular characterization of novel isoforms of the NRAS gene. In the past two years, I expanded my research to the targeted next generation sequencing analysis of a large cohort of AML patients. Some of the corresponding manuscripts are currently in revision, under review or in advanced preparation.
During my postdoctoral fellowship, I especially enjoyed mentoring gifted undergraduate and high school students. As my students developed their scientific skill sets, I was able to design and supervise independent projects for them. This resulted in separate first-author papers for three of my students where I am last author, including a publication in Cancer Discovery, which was just accepted in June 2016. This work describes our discovery of miR-3662 as a novel player in the prominent hematopoietic quantitative trait locus on chromosome 6q23.3, which regulates erythroid differentiation via the NF-KB pathway. I am especially proud of two additional students I trained for each winning first place in the AACR Undergraduate Research Competition in 2014 and 2016.
I was awarded the Pelotonia Postdoctoral Fellowship in 2011, the Alliance Young Investigator Award in 2012 and was accepted as a 2013 TRTH trainee, which is a rigorous course in translational research for 20 selected trainees world-wide. I served as a session chair and abstract reviewer for the American Society of Hematology (tumor suppressor genes and oncogenes sessions) from 2013 - 2015. In 2014, I was elected as the coordinating reviewer for this research category for the annual meeting, and started to serve as an inaugural member of the Early Career Advisory Group of the European Hematology Association (EHA). Also in 2014, together with Drs. Carson and de la Chapelle, I received a Pelotonia IDEA Grant, which supported our research on miR-3151 and NRAS.
The exceptional mentorship and career support of Dr. Bloomfield and Dr. de la Chapelle continuously increased my enthusiasm for academic medicine. For example, Dr. Bloomfield gave me the opportunity to join her as an observer at the 2014 WHO meeting, which advised for the revised guidelines for myeloid neoplasms.
Because of my equal passion for research and patient care, it became clear that continuing my career in the U.S. would be the best option for me to combine research and medicine. This step was not easy after several years of only laboratory work, but the encouragement and support of Dr. John Byrd was an additional important factor for my decision. I successfully took my USMLEs, and applied for residency training in physician scientist training programs.
The James Cancer Center, the incredibly enthusiastic and supportive faculty in the Divisions of Hematology and Oncology, and the rich campus diversity, made OSU my top choice among all PSTP training programs.
I only recently started my training, but I can already say that I am grateful every day that I made the choice to pursue this career path, and especially to start training here at OSU. The collegial atmosphere among all members of the team—the residents, fellows, attendings, nurses and especially the PCAs in the clinic— have made me feel welcome and at home, and I am learning new things every day. The daily conferences are creating an intellectual break, and the residents are doing a great job to facilitate continuous attendance of their interns.
Weekly socials with the interns and residents are another fun factor. Columbus has a vibrant restaurant scene, which is a lot of fun to explore!
06/07 MD (University of Leipzig, Germany), Final score of Medical Doctorate (Dr.med.): summa cum laude
06/07-10/09 Residency/Fellowship at the Department of Hematology and Oncology, University of Leipzig, Germany
10/09-06/16 Postdoctoral Fellow/Visiting Scholar Drs. Clara D. Bloomfield and Albert de la Chapelle, The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center, Columbus, Ohio
06/14-ongoing PI status, Department of Human Cancer Genetics, The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center, Columbus, Ohio
06/16-06/18 Resident, Physician-Scientist Training Program
06/18-ongoing Fellow Hematology/Oncology, The Ohio State University
05/11 Pelotonia Postdoctoral Fellowship
11/12 “Leadership by Junior Investigator” Award, ALLIANCE for Clinical Trials in Oncology Best Published Manuscripts 2012
12/12 “ASH-EHA Translational Research Training in Hematology” Award
05/13 EHA Annual Meeting Travel Award
12/16 ASH Abstract Achievement Award
05/17 “OSU Internal Medicine Physician Scientist” Award
12/17 ASH Abstract Achievement Award
05/18 “OSU Internal Medicine Physician Scientist” Award
06/18 “Clara Bloomfield Excellence in Hematology Research” Award
12/18 ASH Abstract Achievement Award
12/18 ASH Scholar Award for Basic and Translational Research Junior Faculty
12/18 AACR Next Gen Star Award
Academic Activities
08/13 Abstract reviewer and session moderator, ASH Annual Meeting
08/14 Coordinating reviewer and session moderator, ASH Annual Meeting: Category 603, Oncogenes and Tumor Suppressors
08/14-06/16 European Hematology Association Early Career Advisory Group
06/15-current Author of the press releases for the Annual Meeting of the European Society of Hematology
12/15 Session moderator, ASH Annual Meeting: Category 603 Oncogenes and Tumor Suppressors
12/16 Session moderator, ASH Annual Meeting: Category 611, Prognostic markers in AML
06/17 Session moderator, EHA Annual Meeting: Bite-Size CRTH
06/18 Session moderator, EHA Annual Meeting: Career retrospective
06/16-current YoungEHA Committee of the European Hematology Association (term ends 06/2019)
Ongoing Regular Ad-hoc reviewer: Journal of Clinical Investigation, Blood, Leukemia, Haematologica, Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation, Cancer Epidemiology
Active Research Support
06/18-06/20 American Thyroid Association Young Investigator Grant. Title: Targeting NRAS isoforms to overcome BRAF-inhibitor resistance in PTC- thinking AK, Amount: $57,000
01/19-01/20 Pelotonia IDEA Award. Title: Clinical , genomic and transcriptomic characteristics of myeloid sarcomas- elucidation of the underlying biology to identify better therapy options for the “step child” in AML research. PI: Eisfeld AK, Mims AS. Amount: $150,000
07/19-07/21 ASH Junior Faculty Scholar Award for Basic and Translational Research.
Title: Novel CCND1/2 mutations in t(8;21) acute myeloid leukemia:
Deciphering their biology and their role in leukemogenesis. PI: Eisfeld, AK. Amount: $150,000
Committee Involvement
- EHA Early Career Advisory Group, 2014 - present
- Methods and Compositions using miR-3151 in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Cancer – 1-53695/OSU-2011-126. Inventors: de la Chapelle, A; Eisfeld, AK, 2013
- Eisfeld AK, Westerman M, Krahl R, Leiblein S, Liebert UG, Hehme M, Teupser D, Niederwieser D, Al-Ali HK. Highly elevated serum hepcidin in patients with acute myeloid leukemia prior to and after allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation: Does this protect from excessive parenchymal iron loading? Adv Hematol. 2011: 491058
- Eisfeld AK, Marcucci G, Liyanarachchi S, Döhner K, Schwind S, Maharry K, Leffel B, Döhner H, Radmacher MD, Bloomfield CD, Tanner SM, de la Chapelle A. Heritable polymorphism predisposes to high BAALC expression in acute myeloid leukemia. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012 Apr 24;109(17):6668-9
- Eisfeld AK, Marcucci G, Maharry K, Schwind S, Radmacher MD, Nicolet D, Becker H, Mrózek K, Whitman SP, Metzeler KH, Mendler JH, Wu YZ, Liyanarachchi S, Patel R, Baer MR, Powell BL, Carter TH, Moore JO, Kolitz JE, Wetzler M, Caligiuri MA, Larson RA, Tanner SM, de la Chapelle A, Bloomfield CD. miR-3151 interplays with its host gene BAALC and independently affects outcome of patients with cytogenetically normal acute myeloid leukemia. Blood. 2012 Jul 12;120(2):249-58
- Blum W, Schwind S, Tarighat SS, Geyer S, Eisfeld AK, Whitman S, Walker A, Klisovic R, Byrd JC, Santhanam R, Wang H, Curfman JP, Devine SM, Jacob S, Garr C, Kefauver C, Perrotti D, Chan KK, Bloomfield CD, Caligiuri MA, Grever MR, Garzon R, Marcucci G. Clinical and pharmacodynamic activity of bortezomib and decitabine in acute myeloid leukemia. Blood. 2012 Jun 21;119(25):6025-31
- Schwind S, Edwards CG, Nicolet D, Mrózek K, Maharry K, Wu YZ, Paschka P, Eisfeld AK, Hoellerbauer P, Becker H, Metzeler KH, Curfman J, Kohlschmidt J, Prior TW, Kolitz JE, Blum W, Pettenati MJ, Dal Cin P, Carroll AJ, Caligiuri MA, Larson RA, Volinia S, Marcucci G, Bloomfield CD; Alliance for Clinical Trials in Oncology. inv(16)/t(16;16) acute myeloid leukemia with non-type A CBFB-MYH11 fusions associate with distinct clinical and genetic features and lack KIT mutations. Blood. 2013 Jan 10;121(2):385-91
- Eisfeld AK, Krahl R, Jaekel N, Niederwieser D, Al-Ali HK. Kinetics of iron removal by phlebotomy in patients with iron overload after allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation. Am J Blood Res. 2012; 2(4):243-53
- Marcucci G, Maharry KS, Metzeler KH, Volinia S, Wu YZ, Mrózek K, Nicolet D, Kohlschmidt J, Whitman SP, Mendler JH, Schwind S, Becker H, Eisfeld AK, Carroll AJ, Powell BL, Kolitz JE, Garzon R, Caligiuri MA, Stone RM, Bloomfield CD. Clinical Role of microRNAs in Cytogenetically Normal Acute Myeloid Leukemia: miR-155 Upregulation Independently Identifies High-Risk Patients. J Clin Oncol. 2013 Jun 10;31(17):2086-93. Curriculum Vitae Ann-Kathrin Eisfeld, MD Page 3
- Mendler JH, Maharry KH, Becker H, Eisfeld AK, Senter L, Mrozek K, Kohlschmidt J, Metzeler KH, Schwind S, Whitman SP, Khalife J, Caligiuri MA, Klisovic RB, Moore JO, Carter TH, Marcucci G, Bloomfield CD. In rare acute myeloid leukemia patients harboring both RUNX1 and NPM1 mutations, RUNX1 mutations areunusual in structure and present in the germline. Haematologica. 2013 Aug;98(8):e92-4. doi: 10.3324/haematol.2013.089904
- Metzeler KH, Maharry K, Kohlschmidt J, Volinia S, Mrózek K, Becker H, Nicolet D, Whitman SP, Mendler JH, Schwind S, Eisfeld AK, Wu YZ, Powell BL, Carter TH, Wetzler M, Kolitz JE, Baer MR, Carroll AJ, Stone RM, Caligiuri MA, Marcucci G, Bloomfield CD. A stem cell-like gene expression signature associates with inferior outcomes and a distinct microRNA expression profile in adults with primary cytogenetically normal acute myeloid leukemia. Leukemia. 2013 Jun. doi: 10.1038/leu.2013.181
- Hebenstreit K, Iacobelli S, Leiblein S, Eisfeld AK, Pfrepper C, Heyn S, Vucinic V, Franke GN, Krahl R, Fricke S, Becker C, Pönisch W, Behre G, Niederwieser D, Lange T. Low tumor burden is associated with early B-cell reconstitution and is a predictor of favorable outcome after non-myeloablative stem cell transplant for chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Leuk Lymphoma. 2014 Jun;55(6):1274-80
- Oaks JJ, Santhanam R, Walker CJ, Roof S, Harb JG, Ferenchak G, Eisfeld AK, Van Brocklyn JR, Briesewitz R, Saddoughi SA, Nagata K, Bittman R, Caligiuri MA, Abdel-Wahab O, Levine R, Arlinghaus RB, Quintas-Cardama A, Goldman JM, Apperley J, Reid A, Milojkovic D, Ziolo MT, Marcucci G, Ogretmen B, Neviani P, Perrotti D. Antagonistic activities of the immunomodulator and PP2A-activating drug FTY720 (Fingolimod, Gilenya) in Jak2-driven hematologic malignancies. Blood. 2013 Sep;122(11):1923-34
- Walker CJ, Oaks JJ, Santhanam R, Neviani P, Harb JG, Ferenchak G, Ellis JJ, Landesman Y, Eisfeld AK, Gabrail NY, Smith CL, Caligiuri MA, Hokland P, Roy DC, Reid A, Milojkovic D, Goldman JM, Apperley J, Garzon R, Marcucci G, Shacham S, Kauffman MG, Perrotti D. Preclinical and clinical efficacy of XPO1/CRM1 inhibition by the karyopherin inhibitor KPT-330 in Ph+ leukemias. Blood. 2013 Oct 24;122(17):3034-41
- Marcucci G, Yan P, Maharry K, Frankhouser D, Nicolet D, Metzeler K, Kohlschmidt J, Mrózek K, Wu YYZ, Bucci D, Curfman J, Whitman S, Eisfeld AK, Mendler JH, Schwind S, Becker H, Bär C, Carroll AJ, Baer MR, Wetzler M, Carter TH, Powell BL, Kolitz JE, Byrd J, Plass C, Garzon R, Caligiuri MA, Stone RM, Volinia S, Bundschuh R, Bloomfield CD. Epigenetics Meets Genetics in Acute Myeloid Leukemia: Clinical Impact of a Novel Seven Gene Score. J Clin Oncol. 2014 Feb 20;32(6):548-56
- Whitman SP, Kohlschmidt J, Maharry K, Volinia S, Mrózek K, Nicolet D, Schwind S, Becker H, Metzeler KH, Mendler JH, Eisfeld AK, Carroll AJ, Powell BL, Carter TH, Baer MR, Kolitz JE, Park IK, Stone RM, Caligiuri MA, Marcucci G, and Bloomfield CD. GAS6 expression identifies high-risk adult AML patients: potential implications for therapy. Leukemia, 2014 Jun; 28(6):1252-8. Curriculum Vitae Ann-Kathrin Eisfeld, MD Page 4
- Eisfeld AK, Schwind S, Patel R, Huang X, Santhanam R, Walker CJ, Markowitz J, Jarvinen TM, Leffel B, Perrotti D, Carson WE, Marcucci G, Bloomfield CD and de la Chapelle A. Intronic miR-3151 hosted by BAALC drives leukemogenesis by direct deregulation of the TP53 pathway. Sci Signal. 2014 Apr 15;7(321):ra36
- Eisfeld AK, Schwind S, Hoag KW, Walker CJ, Liyanarachchi S, Patel R, Huang X, Markowitz J, Duan W, Otterson GA, Carson WE, Marcucci G, Bloomfield CD, de la Chapelle A. Novel NRAS isoforms differentially affect downstream pathways, cell growth and cell transformation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2014 Feb 28, PMID: 24586049, Mar 18;111(11):4179-84
- Becker H, Maharry K, Mrozek K, Volinia S, Eisfeld AK, Radmacher MD, Kohlschmidt J, Metzeler KH, Schwind S, Whitman SP, Mendler JH, Wu YZ, Nicolet D, Paschka P, Powell BL, Carter TH, Wetzler M, Kolitz JE, Carroll AJ, Baer MR, Caligiuri MA, Stone RM, Marcucci G, Bloomfield CD. Prognostic gene mutations and distinct gene- and microRNA-expression signatures in acute myeloid leukemia with a sole trisomy 8. Leukemia. 2014 Aug;28(8):1754-8. doi: 10.1038/leu.2014.114
- Niederwieser C, Kohlschmidt J, Volinia S, Whitman SP, Metzeler KH, Eisfeld AK, Maharry K, Yan P, Frankhouser D, Becker H, Schwind S, Carroll AJ, Nicolet D, Curfman JP, Wu YZ, Baer MR, Powell BL, Kolitz JE, Moore JO, Carter TH, Bundschuh R, Larson RA, Stone RM, Mrozek K, Marcucci G, Bloomfield CD. Prognostic and biologic significance of DNMT3b expression in older patients with cytogenetically normal primary acute myeloid leukemia. Leukemia. 2014 Sep 10. doi: 10.1038/leu.2014.267
- Garzon R, Volinia S, Papaioannou D, Nicolet D, Kohlschmidt J, Yan PS, Mrózek K, Bucci D, Carroll AJ, Baer MR, Wetzler M, Carter TH, Powell BL, Kolitz JE, Moore JO, Eisfeld AK, Blachly JS, Blum W, Caligiuri MA, Stone RM, Marcucci G, Croce CM, Byrd JC, Bloomfield CD. Expression and prognostic impact of lncRNAs in acute myeloid leukemia. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2014. Dec 30; 111(52):18679-84.
- Bhatnagar B, Blachly BS, Kohlschmidt J, Eisfeld AK, Volinia S, Nicolet D, Carroll AJ, Block AM, Kolitz JE, Stone RM, Mrozek K, Byrd JC, Bloomfield CD. Clinical features, and gene- and microRNA-expression patterns in adult acute leukemia patients with t(11;19)(q23;p13.1) and t(11;19)(q23;p13.3). Leukemia. 2015 Dec 16. Doi:10.1038/leu.2015.345 (epub ahead of print)
- Lankenau MA* , Patel R*, Liyanarachchi S, Maharry SE, Hoag KW, Duggan M, Markowitz J, Carson WE III*, Eisfeld AK*, de la Chapelle A*. MicroRNA-3151 inactivates TP53 in BRAF-mutated human malignancies. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2015 Dec 8; 112(49):E6744-51. Curriculum Vitae Ann-Kathrin Eisfeld, MD Page 5
- Niederwieser C, Starke S, Fischer L, Krahl R, Beck J, Gruhn B, Ebell W, Koerholz D, Wosmann W, Bader P, Lang P, Al-Ali HK, Cross M, Eisfeld AK, Heyn S, Vucinic V, Franke GN, Lange T, Pӧnisch W, Behre G, Christiansen H. Favorable outcome in children and adolescents with a high proportion of advanced phase disease using single/multiple autologous or matched/mismatched allogeneic stem cell transplantations. Ann Hematol. 2016 Fab; 95(3):473-81
- Kroll KW, Eisfeld AK, Lozanski G, Bloomfield CD, Byrd JC, Blachly JB. MuCor: Mutation aggregation and correlation. Bioinformatics. 2016. 32(10):1557-8
- Bhatnagar B*, Eisfeld AK*, Nicolet D, Mrozek K, Blachly JS, Orwick S, Lucas DM, Kohlschmidt J, Blum B, Kolitz JE, Stone RM, Bloomfield CD, Byrd JC. Persistance of DNMT3A R882 mutations during remission does not adversely affect outcomes of patients with acute myeloid leukemia. British Journal of Hematology. (manuscript accepted 06/07/2016)
- Markowitz J, Mal TK, Yan C, Courtney NB, Patel M, Stiff AR, Blachly J, Walker CJ, Eisfeld AK, de la Chapelle A, Carson WE. Structural characterization of NRAS isoform 5. Protein Science. 2016 25(5): 1069-74
- Walker CJ, Miranda MA, Matthew JO, Blachly JS, Moyer CL, Ivanovich J, Kroll KW, Eisfeld AK, Sapp CE, Mutch DG, Cohn DE, Bundschuh R, Goodfellow PJ. MonoSeq Variant Caller reveals novel mononucleotide run indel mutations in tumors with defective mismatch repair. Hum Mutat. 2016 Jun 27. Doi:10.1002/humu.23036. (epub ahead of print)
- Maharry SE, Walker C, Liyanarachchi S, Mehta S, Huang X, Hoag KW, Patel M, Lankenau MA, Ranganathan P, Garzon R, Blachly JS, Guttridge DC, Bloomfield CD*, de la Chapelle A*, Eisfeld AK*. Dissection of the major quantitative trait locus in chromosome 6q23.3 identifies miR-3662 as a novel player in hematopoiesis. Cancer Discovery. 2016 Jun 27. pii:CD-16-0023 (epub ahead of print)
- Eisfeld AK, Kohlschmidt J, Mrozek K, Blachly JS, Kroll K, Orwick S, Carroll AJ, Stone RM, de la Chapelle A, Byrd JC, Bloomfield CD. Adult acute myeloid leukemia with trisomy 11 as the sole abnormality is characterized by a distinct gene mutation pattern. Leukemia (manuscript accepted 06/23/2016)
- Lankenau MA* , Patel R* , Liyanarachchi S, Maharry SE, Hoag KW, Duggan M, Markowitz J, Carson WE III*, Eisfeld AK*, de la Chapelle A*. MicroRNA-3151 inactivates TP53 in BRAF-mutated human malignancies. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2015 Dec 8; 112(49):E6744-51.
- Maharry SE, Walker C, Liyanarachchi S, Mehta S, Huang X, Hoag KW, Patel M, Lankenau MA, Ranganathan P, Garzon R, Blachly JS, Guttridge DC, Bloomfield CD*, de la Chapelle A*, Eisfeld AK*. Dissection of the major quantitative trait locus in chromosome 6q23.3 identifies miR-3662 as a novel player in hematopoiesis. Cancer Discovery. 2016 06(9):1036-51.
- Duggan MC, Stiff AR, Bainazar M, Reagan K, Olavierra SGN, Maharry SE, Blachly JS, Krischak M, Walker CJ, Latchana N, de la Chapelle A*, Eisfeld AK*, Carson WE 3rd*. Identification of NRAS isoform expression as a mechanism facilitation BRAF inhibitor resistance in malignant Melanoma. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2017 Sep 5; 114(36):9629-9634
Novartis Young Investigators Foundation. Title: Clinical relevance of serum hepcidin levels and detection of a possible predictive value for the development of GvHD, infections and relapse after allogeneic PBSCT. PI: Al-Ali, HK, Co-I: Eisfeld AK
Fellowship of the Leukemia Clinical Research Foundation: “Hereditary changes predisposing to Acute Myeloid Leukemia”, 5 year funding
Pelotonia Postdoctoral Fellowship Award “The genomic basis for BAALC overexpression in AML”, 2 year funding
Pelotonia IDEA Grant “MicroRNA-3151 promotes Melanoma Carcinogenesis in the presence of BRAF mutations-does downregulation of miR-3151 and/or the BRAF mutation offer therapeutic promise?” 2 year funding. PIs: de la Chapelle, Albert; Carson, William E., Eisfeld, AK
- 02/2011 “Heritable Polymorphism Predisposes to High Expression of BAALC in Cytogenetically Normal Acute Myeloid Leukemia (CNAML)” (Leukemia Symposium, OSU-CCC Annual Scientific Meeting)
- 03/2012 “MiR-3151, a Novel MicroRNA Embedded in BAALC, Is Only Weakly Co-Expressed with Its Host Gene and Independently Impacts on the Clinical Outcome of Older Patients (Pts) with De Novo Cytogenetically Normal Acute Myeloid Leukemia (CN-AML)” (Leukemia Correlative Science Symposium, ALLIANCE Meeting Chicago)
- 07/2012 “The role of miR-3151 expression in patients with Acute Myeloid Leukemia” (Pelotonia Fellowship Symposium 2012, The Ohio State University)
- 08/2013 “MiR-3151 interplays with its host gene BAALC and independently impacts on outcome of older patients with cytogenetically normal acute myeloid leukemia by direct deregulation of TP53” (SOHO Annual Meeting, Houston)
- 01/2014 “The role of miR-3151 in acute myeloid leukemia” (invited presentation at the Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands)
- 11/16 “The mutational oncoprint of acute myeloid leukemia” and “CCND1 and CCND2 mutations in t(8;21) AML” (invited presentation at the ALLIANCE for Clinical Trials in Oncology Meeting, Chicago)
- 11/16 “The mutational oncoprint of adult patients with de novo acute myeloid leukemia” (Alliance Fall Meeting 2016, Chicago)
- 12/16 “The mutational oncoprint of adult patients with de novo acute myeloid leukemia” (ASH Annual Meeting 2016, San Diego)
- 05/16 “The mutational oncoprint of recurrent cytogenetic abnormalities in patients with de novo acute myeloid leukemia” Grand Rounds, Clinical Research Day
2016, The Ohio State University, Columbus) - 12/17 “Neurofibromin 1 Gene Mutations are Recurrent Events in Adult Patients with Acute Myeloid Leukemia, Associate with Poor Outcome and Refine the Adverse European LeukemiaNet (ELN) Risk Category” (ASH Annual Meeting 2017, Atlanta)
- 12/17 “Mutation Patterns Identify Adult Patients with De Novo Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) Aged 60 Years or Older Who Respond Favorably to Standard Chemotherapy: an Analysis of Alliance Studies” (ASH Annual Meeting 2017, Atlanta)
- 03/18 “Biologic heterogeneity of AML- implications for prognosis and treatment.” (Hematology/Oncology Seminar Series; University of Freiburg/Germany)
- 05/18 “Mutation Patterns Identify Adult Patients with De Novo Acute Myeloid Leukemia Aged 60 Years or Older Who Respond Favorably to Standard Chemotherapy” Grand Rounds, Clinical Research Day 2018, The Ohio State University, Columbus)
- Eisfeld AK, Krahl R, Leiblein S, Liebert UG, Edel E, Burkhardt R, Teupser D, Doehring C, Niederwieser D, Al-Ali HK. Iron overload is a frequent hidden complication after allogeneic HCT and treatable by phlebotomy. Bone Marrow Transplantation (EBMT Annual Meeting 2005)
- Eisfeld AK, Burkhardt R, Krahl R, Liebert UG, Edel E, Doehring C, Teupser D, Doehring C, Niederwieser D, Al-Ali HK. Iron overload in patients after allogeneic does not correlate with HFE genotype which is always of donor origin. Bone Marrow Transplantation (EBMT Annual Meeting 2005)
- Eisfeld AK, Burkhardt R, Liebert UG, Krahl R, Edel E, Doehring C, , Doehring C, Teupser D, Thiery R, Niederwieser D, Al-Ali HK. Excess body iron stores strongly correlate with acute graft-versus- host-disease of the liver and treatment related mortality after allogeneic hematopoientic cell transplantation (Poster presentation) Bone Marrow Transplantation (EBMT Annual Meeting 2006)
- Eisfeld AK, Krahl R, Liebert UG, Edel E, Burkhardt R, Doehring C, Leiblein S, Teupser D, Doehring C, Niederwieser D, Al-Ali HK. Donor HFE genotype influences the rate of iron depletion by phlebotomy for iron overload after allogeneic HCT. Bone Marrow Transplantation (EBMT Annual Meeting 2006)
- Eisfeld AK, Burkhardt R, Krahl R, Liebert UG, Edel E, Doehring C, Teupser D, Doehring C, Niederwieser D, Al-Ali HK. HFE genotype is possibly always of donor origin and does not correlate with iron overload frequently present after HCT (DGHO Annual Meeting 2006)
- Eisfeld AK, Krahl R, Leiblein S, Liebert UG, Edel E, Burkhardt R, Teupser D, Doehring C, Niederwieser D, Al-Ali HK. Iron depletion pattern in patients with iron overload after allogeneic haematopoietic cell transplantation treated by phlebotomy (EBMT Annual Meeting 2009)
- Eisfeld AK, Westerman M, Krahl R, Leiblein S, Liebert UG, Hehme M, Teupser D, Niederwieser D, Al-Ali HK. Elevated serum hepcidin in patients with AML prior to and after allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation does not correlate with transfusional body iron, HFE genotype or Graf versus Host Disease and may protect from excessive parenchymal iron loading (ASH Annual Meeting 2009). Curriculum Vitae Ann-Kathrin Eisfeld, MD Page 8
- Eisfeld AK, Marcucci G, Liyanarachchi S, Döhner K, Schwind S, Maharry K, Leffel B, Döhner H, Radmacher MD, Bloomfield CD, Tanner SM, de la Chapelle A. The genomic basis for BAALC overexpression in AML (OSUCCC-James 13th Annual Scientific Meeting 2011)
- Eisfeld AK , Marcucci G, Maharry K, Schwind S, Radmacher MD, Nicolet D, Becker H, Mrózek K, Whitman SP, Metzeler KH, Mendler JH, Wu YZ, Liyanarachchi S, Patel R, Baer MR, Powell BL, Carter TH, Moore JO, Kolitz JE, Wetzler M, Caligiuri MA, Larson RA, Tanner SM, de la Chapelle A, Bloomfield CD. MiR-3151, a Novel MicroRNA Embedded in BAALC, Is Only Weakly CoExpressed with Its Host Gene and Independently Impacts on the Clinical Outcome of Older Patients (Pts) with De Novo Cytogenetically Normal Acute Myeloid Leukemia (CN-AML). (ASH Annual Meeting 2011)
- Schwind S, Blum W, Liu S, Tarighat SS, Geyer S, Klisovic R, Eisfeld AK, Walker A, Whitman SP, Santhanam R, Wu YZ, Jacob S, Caligiuri MA, Grever MR, Perrotti D, Byrd JC, Bloomfield CD, Garzon R, Marcucci G. The Combination of Bortezomib (BOR) and Decitabine (DEC): a Phase I Trial in Patients (Pts) with Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) targeting FLT3 expression. (AACR Annual Meeting 2012)
- Huang X, Schwind S, Eisfeld AK, Jin Y, Yu B, Hickey CJ, Pang J, Santhanam R, Chan K, Perrotti D, Muthusamy N, Byrd JC, Blum W, Bloomfield CD, Liu S, Garzon R, Lee RJ, Lee LJ, Marcucci G: Synthetic microRNA-181a nanoparticles (NP) target RAS and sensitize cells to daunorubicin (DNR) in acute myeloid leukemia (AML). (AACR Annual Meeting 2012)
- Eisfeld AK, Marcucci G, Liyanarachchi S, Döhner K, Schwind S, Maharry K, Leffel B, Döhner H, Radmacher MD, Bloomfield CD, Tanner SM, de la Chapelle A. Heritable Polymorphism Predisposes to High Expression of BAALC in Cytogenetically Normal Acute Myeloid Leukemia (CN-AML). (AACR Annual Meeting 2012)
- Marcucci G, Maharry KS, Metzeler KH, Volinia S, Wu YZ, Mrózek K, Nicolet D, Kohlschmidt J, Whitman SP, Mendler JH, Schwind S, Becker H, Eisfeld AK, Carroll AJ, Powell BL, Kolitz JE, Garzon R, Caligiuri MA, Stone RM, Bloomfield CD. The Clinical Role of microRNAs (miRs) in Cytogenetically Normal (CN) Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML): miR-155 Upregulation Independently Identifies High-Risk Patients (Pts). (ASH Annual Meeting 2013)
- Huang X, Schwind S, Eisfeld AK, Santhanam R, Yu B, Hoellerbauer P, Jin Y, Radomska H, Chan KK, Perrotti D, Muthusamy R, Byrd JC, Blum W, Bloomfield CD, Liu S, Garzon R, Lee RJ, Lee JL, Marcucci G. Therapeutic Targeting of the RAS-pathway by Synthetic miR-181a Nanoparticles in Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML). (ASH Annual Meeting 2013). Curriculum Vitae Ann-Kathrin Eisfeld, MD Page 9
- Whitman S. Kohlschmidt J, Maharry K, Volinia S, Mrózek K, Nicolet D, Schwind S, Becker H, Metzeler KH, Mendler JH, Eisfeld AK, Carroll AJ, Powell BL, Carter TH, Baer MR, Kolitz JE, Park IK, Stone RM, Caligiuri MA, Marcucci G, and Bloomfield CD. GAS6 expression is an adverse prognostic marker in the absence of TYRO3 and AXL receptor tyrosine kinases (RTK) and regardless of MERTK expression in de novo cytogenetically normal acute myeloid leukemia (CN-AML). (ASH Annual Meeting 2013)
- Eisfeld AK, Marcucci G, Maharry K, Schwind S, Radmacher MD, Nicolet D, Becker H, Mrózek K, Whitman SP, Metzeler KH, Mendler JH, Wu YZ, Liyanarachchi S, Patel R, Baer MR, Powell BL, Carter TH, Moore JO, Kolitz JE, Wetzler M, Caligiuri MA, Larson RA, Tanner SM, de la Chapelle A, Bloomfield CD. MiR-3151, a Novel MicroRNA Embedded in BAALC, Is Only Weakly CoExpressed with Its Host Gene and Independently Impacts on the Clinical Outcome of Older Patients (Pts) with De Novo Cytogenetically Normal Acute Myeloid Leukemia (CN-AML). (ASH Annual Meeting 2011)
- Niederwieser C, Kohlschmidt J; Maharry K; Mrozek K; Volinia S; Yan P; Frankhouser, D; Whitman S; Eisfeld AK; Schwind S; Curfman J; Wu YZ; Carter T; Moore JO; Kolitz JE; Powell BL; Becker H; Metzeler K; Baer MR; Marcucci G, Bloomfield CD. High expression of DNMT3b negatively impacts on clinical outcome of older patients (pts) with primary cytogenetically normal (CN) acute myeloid leukemia (AML) [CALGB 20202, ALLIANCE]. (EHA Annual Meeting 2013)
- Hoag K, Schwind S, Patel R, Mehta S, Jarvinen TM, Niederwieser D, de la Chapelle A and Eisfeld AK. Expression of GATA1 is mediated by SP1 in acute myeloid leukemia. (OSUCCC-James 15th Annual Scientific Meeting)
- Patel R, Eisfeld AK, Radmacher MD, Liyanarachchi S, Marcucci G, Bloomfield CD, de la Chapelle A. Downstream biology of an oncomiR: miR-3151 deregulates the ubiquitination pathway by directly targeting FBXL20 and USP40. (OSUCCC-James 15th Annual Scientific Meeting)
- Eisfeld AK, Schwind S, Patel R, Huang X, Santhanam R, Walker CJ, Markowitz J, Jarvinen TM, Leffel B, Perrotti D, Carson WE, Marcucci G, Bloomfield CD and de la Chapelle A. Overexpression of intronic miR-3151 and its host gene BAALC increases leukemogenesis in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) by direct deregulation of TP53 and may be targeted by bortezomib. (EHA Annual Meeting 2013)
- Lankenau MA, Patel R, Markowitz J, Carson WE, de la Chapelle A and Eisfeld AK. "Overexpression of miR-3151 leads to direct deregulation of the TP53 pathway and is associated with BRAF mutations in malignant melanoma" (AACRAnnual Meeting 2014, Special Research Symposium)
- Maharry S, Mehta S, Liyanarachchi S, Marcucci G, Bloomfield CD, de la Chapelle A and Eisfeld AK. “Identification of microRNA-3662 as a novel tumor suppressor miR” (AACR Annual Meeting 2014). Curriculum Vitae Ann-Kathrin Eisfeld, MD Page 10
- Maharry S, Mehta S, Liyanarachchi S, Walker CW, Bloomfield CD, de la Chapelle A and Eisfeld AK. “MicroRNA-3662 Located within the Major Hematopoietic Differentiation Quantitative Trait Locus on Chromosome 6q23 Acts as a Tumor Suppressor by Direct Targeting of the NF-ĸB Transcriptional Activation Pathway” (ASH Annual Meeting 2014)
- 07/11-08/12, undergraduate assistant
- Current position: Medical school (Toledo, Ohio)
- Achievements: Two co-authorships
- 07/11-07/14, undergraduate assistant
- Current position: Medical school (Dominica)
- Achievements: First authorship (PNAS); Pelotonia Undergraduate Fellowship 2012;
three co-authorships; poster presentation
- 07/12-07/14, research assistant
- Current position: Medical school (St. Georges University)
- Achievements: Two co-authorships; poster presentation
- 07/12-07/14, undergraduate assistant
- Current position: Applicant for medical school
- Achievements: co-authorship; second place Ohio State Denman Research Competition 2013;
third place AACR-Gerry J. Miller Undergraduate Student Prize for Cancer and Cancer Related Biomedical Research 2014; second place OSU Neuroscience Colloquium 2014, poster presentation AACR annual meeting
- 07/13-07/15, undergraduate assistant
- Current position: Medical school (Cincinnati, Ohio)
- Achievements: first authorship (PNAS); co-authorship; third place Denman Undergraduate Research Forum 2014; first place AACR-Gerry J. Miller Undergraduate Student Prize for Cancer and Cancer Related Biomedical Research First Place Award 2014; OSU Academic Enrichment Grant for Research 2014; oral presentation in AACR annual meeting 2014 Special Research Symposium
- 07/14-07/15, research assistant
- Current position: Medical school (NeoMed)
- Achievements: Co-authorship (manuscript in revision)
- 07/13-current, undergraduate assistant
- Achievements: First authorship (Cancer Discovery); co-authorship; Pelotonia Undergraduate Fellowship 2015; AACR Special High School Competition Achievement Award 2014; AACR-Gerry J. Miller Undergraduate Student Prize for Cancer and Cancer Related Biomedical Research Honorable Mention 2016; poster presentation at AACR Annual Scientific Meeting and ASH Annual Meeting;
oral presentation at Pelotonia Fellowship Symposium 2015
- 07/14-current, undergraduate assistant
- Achievements: co-authorship (manuscript in preparation); AACR Gerry J. Miller Undergraduate Student Prize for Cancer and Cancer Related Biomedical Research First Place Award, 2016