Innovations in General Internal Medicine at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center

Our society faces innumerable challenges that threaten the health and well-being of our local, state, regional, and national communities- including health inequity, fragmented healthcare delivery, rising burden of complex chronic disease, substance use disorder, lack of tailored care for individuals living with disability, maternal child health disparities, cardiovascular disease, and COVID-19, just to name a few.

Ohio State University General Internal Medicine (GIM) and its faculty apply their breadth of expertise to address the expansive challenges and threats to health that we face as communities and as a society through innovation and high impact research. Our faculty are national and international leaders in many areas including patient care, innovative care models, and medical education. GIM's expansive clinical expertise, spanning GIM, Internal Medicine/ Pediatrics, and Geriatrics, coupled with broad research expertise in engagement, pragmatic clinical trials, evidence-based practice, implementation science, learning health systems, and data analytics, provides a powerful environment in which we tackle these important challenges.

Our broad, multidisciplinary primary care research teams within GIM develop and apply knowledge to transform clinical care, ultimately improving the health of individuals our health system and beyond. We lead and collaborate on a range of initiatives to achieve these goals.

GIM faculty contribute to a range of institutional, state, and national initiatives focused on holistically improving the health and wellbeing of individuals across the lifespan through research and innovation. Partnering organizations or entities for these initiatives include: 

If you are interested in working with us or learning more about the Division of General Internal Medicine, please contact our Research director Seuli Brill, MD at

Award Collaboration

Our clinical and research faculty have expertise relevant to lifespan flourishing of individuals across a range of conditions. If you would like to collaborate with GIM on a research project, we would encourage you to engage our faculty and leadership early in your project's life cycle. If you need assistance with identifying a faculty collaborator for early pre-award engagement, please contact Laura Miles ( for navigation support.
If you have a post-award project for which you wish to request GIM collaboration, please complete the GIM Collaboration Intake Form



Our Researchers
