GIM Physician and OSU Multidisciplinary Group Examine Perceptions of Opioid Treatment Agreements
GIM Physician and OSU Multidisciplinary Group Examine Perceptions of Opioid Treatment Agreements
GIM Team Publishes Meta-analysis of Medications for AUD in JAMA
GIM Educators Named Excellent Teachers
GIM Doctor Leads Ohio Arm of Overdose Risk Reduction Study
Whole-Patient Approach to Sickle Cell Disease Pain Management
GIM Doctor Named the College of Medicine 2023 Professor of the Year
GIM Doctor who Created Innovative Language Program Wins Diversity Award
GIM Doctor Helps Demonstrate How eConsults Help Advance Health Equity
Work of GIM Doctor Featured in FDA Opioid Prescription Review
GIM Doctors Deliver Specialized Care to Young Adults on the Autism Spectrum
Lung Cancer work of GIM director highlighted by national media
Dr. Lee's innovative chatbot model for hypertension management published in NEJM Catalyst
GIM doctor involved in review of FDA opioid regulation
GIM ethicist featured in article on unrepresented patients
Innovative work in GIM prominently featured at National Internal Medicine Conference
Shengyi Mao, MD, selected to run educational webcast for health care providers
Post-COVID clinics now open at Ohio State
Studies Provide Evidence for Updated USPSTF Lung Cancer Screening Guidelines
Ohio State Physician Assisting National Effort to Protect Seniors During COVID-19