Ophthalmology Surgery & Clinical Learning Center (SCLC)

3 residents using the surgical simulators

residents sitting at 3 wet lab stationsphoto of donor wall in the SCLC

Honoring Our Visionaries

Your generosity for future ophthalmologists is greatly appreciated. Inside the learning center, a glass panel proudly displays our valued contributors, with space to honor our future donors.

 Support the New Expansion

We take great pride in our educational programs in the Department of Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences and are committed to training the best eye surgeons. Generous contributions allow us to continue our tradition of excellence in training and education. Ophthalmology learners can now use virtual reality surgical and examination simulators and surgical instruments to learn the principles of surgical procedures. Our learners can perfect their skills in a risk-free environment to prepare for the realities of the operating room. Having all four modules in an education center makes OSU a leader and exemplar in resident medical education.


“The Surgery and Clinical Learning Center is a crucial piece of our recruitment efforts to attract the best and brightest trainees, fellows, and faculty from across the country. It will also allow all of our providers to remain on the cutting edge of new surgical and diagnostic technologies and better adapt to new techniques. Finally, it will allow us to spread our educational mission to medical students and providers in other fields who need to examine the eyes and visual system of their patients.” says Andrew Hendershot, MD, Director of the Residency Program.

Dr. Charles Leone established the Ellen W. Leone Endowed Fund in 2024 for Education & Training to create a lasting memorial at Ohio State to honor his wife. Dr. Leone completed his Ohio State residency training under Dr. William Havener from 1963-1966.

Dr. Jack Hendershot & Dr. Candace Hendershot made a generous $50,000 donation to be used to purchase the initial starter
kit of wet lab supplies and model eyes for 18 current  residents and 6 interns. Their donation will also be used to purchase additional supplies and model eye kits for the 2025 residents. The residents appreciate the generosity of the donors recognized as Eye Visionaries in the SCLC.

The Ohio State University Clinical Skills Center
The Clinical Skills Education and Assessment Center (CSEAC) is a state-of-the-art training center simulating actual patient care experiences. The changing nature of medical practice and national demand for accountability in medical education highlight the need for a leading-edge clinical skills center.

Ophthalmology training: Surgery and Clinical Learning Center | Ohio State College of Medicine

New equipment in four education modules

Module 1: Updated Surgical Simulator

An updated 3-D virtual reality surgery simulator offers immersive eye surgery fundamentals training, covering cataract and posterior segment procedures with realistic instruments and tissue behavior simulation.

Module 2: Slit Lamp Simulator

Includes a slit lamp simulator, which has all functions of a real slit lamp examination. The highly realistic simulation of intraocular structures in real-time allows learners to practice both the complex handling of the slit lamp and recognition of relevant clinical conditions and diseases.

Module 3: Indirect Ophthalmoscope Simulator

Indirect ophthalmoscopy requires motor skills and the ability to interpret an inverted retina image. The simulator mimics all the features and challenges of diagnosing with a real indirect ophthalmoscope.

Module 4: Wet Lab Stations

Three Haag-Streit surgery wet lab stations for risk-free surgical practice, with realistic training and virtual procedure recording through high-resolution microscopes. Video feeds can be displayed live on an LED monitor or recorded for later review.