From the Director: Julie Niedermier, MD

NiedermierJulieOn behalf of The Ohio State University Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, it is my pleasure to welcome you to the Psychiatry Residency Program.

Our goal is to provide you with a comprehensive, individualized psychiatric educational experience that stimulates professional growth and integrity. To achieve this goal, we integrate core clinical rotations and a structured didactic curriculum that is dynamic and continuously updated to reflect the advancements in psychiatric knowledge and meet the challenges confronting today’s psychiatric professional.

While the residency program lasts four years, our mission is to support you with an enthusiastic foundation for lifelong professional growth. Here, you will be exposed to a diverse breadth of existing psychiatric knowledge as well as the newest neurobiological, psychological and sociocultural theories. The program provides practical experience in each core competency area of patient care, medical knowledge, practice-based learning and improvement, professionalism and systems-based practice.

Residents are strongly encouraged to use their experiences and faculty mentorship to develop individualized, longitudinal professional goals, such as preparation for clinical practice, subspecialty training, academic or administrative careers, or other enrichment opportunities. As faculty, we are interested and available to assist you with your professional endeavors and personal challenges. We are pleased by your decision to enter the psychiatric profession and hope that you will find your residency experience meaningful and rewarding.

Please contact me with further questions about our educational programs.


Julie Niedermier, MD
Residency Director
The Ohio State University Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health
1670 Upham Drive, Suite 130
Columbus, Ohio 43210-1250