About the Program
The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center’s Department of Radiology offers a two-year residency program in Imaging Medical Physics. The Medical Physics Division of Radiology supports Imaging Physics throughout the OSU health care network and provides a clinical experience covering the breadth and depth of Imaging Physics. Residents will gain experience and knowledge by participating in clinical activities throughout the health care system, spanning a range from large academic hospitals to standalone clinics. A faculty of ten members share their expertise to prepare graduates for independent practice and ABR Board Certification in Diagnostic Medical Physics.
Beginning July 1 each year, the program provides two years of clinical training to individuals with a PhD (program in Medical Physics preferred) who have completed a CAMPEP program in Medical Physics. Residents have the opportunity to expand their perspectives of practice through interactions with colleagues in existing residency programs including Radiation Oncology Physics, Diagnostic Radiology, and Interventional Radiology.
Residents will become familiar with a wide range of accreditation programs, including all ACR-accredited modalities, IAC, and The Joint Commission. Unique opportunities at OSUWMC include experience with radiation oncology imaging, informatics/artificial intelligence, and regulatory development, all of which are invaluable skills for future medical physicists.
The IMPRP curriculum is delivered through a series of rotational-focused medical physics topics and is designed to ensure that graduates meet all CAMPEP Residency program standards. This is achieved by designing topical areas of clinical training to cover the CAMPEP Curriculum Standards defined by CAMPEP Standard 8.7 (Imaging Physics) supplemented by AAPM Report #249, “Essentials and Guidelines for Clinical Medical Physics Residency Training Programs,” evolving topics expected by the ABR Board Examinations, and standards of clinical practice. The program is designed to provide training through clinical rotations and didactic sessions for each of these areas in order to provide residents with a level of training that will permit them to work independently and confidently with advanced imaging technology after graduation.
Didactic educational activities are also integrated throughout the program. Within the scope of the clinical rotations, residents are expected to attend bi-weekly Physics Education Conference and at least one resident training lecture each week.
Summary Training Block Schedule
Training Block: 1
Rotation #: 1
Time (weeks): 4
Training Block: 2
Rotation #: 2.1
Time (weeks): 4
Training Block: 3
Rotation #: 3.1
Time (weeks): 4
Training Block: 4
Rotation #: 4.1
Time (weeks): 4
Training Block: 5
Rotation #: 5.1
Time (weeks): 4
Rotation #: 6.1
Time (weeks): 4
Rotation #: 7.1
Time (weeks): 6
Rotation #: 8.1
Time (weeks): 6
Rotation #: 9.1
Time (weeks): 2
Rotation #: 10.1
Time (weeks): 2
Rotation #: 11.1
Time (weeks): 4
Rotation #: 12.1
Time (weeks): 4
Rotation #: 13.1
Time (weeks): 4
Training Block: 14
Rotation #: 2.2
Time (weeks): 4
Training Block: 15
Rotation #: 3.2
Time (weeks): 4
Training Block: 16
Rotation #: 4.2
Time (weeks): 4
Training Block: 17
Rotation #: 5.2
Time (weeks): 4
Rotation #: 6.2
Time (weeks): 4
Rotation #: 7.2
Time (weeks): 6
Rotation #: 8.2
Time (weeks): 6
Rotation #: 9.2
Time (weeks): 2
Rotation #: 13.2
Time (weeks): 4
Rotation #: 11.2
Time (weeks): 4
Rotation #: 12.2
Time (weeks): 6
Rotation #: 10.2
Time (weeks): 2
Applicants require an earned graduate degree from a CAMPEP-accredited program (including certificate programs) and a Ph.D. in a related field. Residents are expected to have completed a comprehensive curriculum in medical physics and to have received some clinical experience during their graduate education.
OSU’s Imaging Medical Physics Residency Program participates in the MedPhys Match. Applications to the program are collected though AAPM’s Medical Physics Residency Application Program.
Resident Life & Benefits
Residents entering the Imaging Medical Physics Residency Program have opportunities to interact and gain clinical experiences by interacting with a broad group of residents, staff and physicians. It is expected that residents will collaborate with residents in the Radiology ACGME-accredited residency programs of Diagnostic Radiology and Interventional Radiology as well as the Radiation Oncology Medical Physics Residency Program housed in the Department of Radiation Oncology.
The program operates under the auspices of the OSU Graduate Medical Education (GME) office, which provides uniform oversight and support for residency programs throughout the University. Residents are appointed through a limited staff agreement that is updated annually. Annual salary and fringe benefits are defined by the Office of Graduate Medical Education to provide a uniform payment scale to residents and fellows at the University.
Imaging Physics residents are afforded benefits matching those of OSU’s medical residents, including medical and dental insurance, paid vacation and holiday benefits, sick pay benefits, life insurance, and disability insurance. Additional benefits provided by the Office of Graduate Medical Education include lab coats, dry cleaning, and membership in professional organizations. In addition to the salary and fringe benefits, the department provides funding for travel to a national conference each year.
Learn more about benefits and eligibility requirements.
Statistics and History
The Imaging Medical Physics Residency Program was approved by the OSUWMC Graduate Medical Education Committee in 2018. The program was approved as a two-year program, admitting one new resident each year. Provisional CAMPEP accreditation was granted in July 2019 with full accreditation in 2021.
Number of students applied: 1
Number of offered admission: 1
Number entered: 1
Number graduated: 0
Graduate destinations: N/a
Number of students applied: 20
Number of offered admission: 1
Number entered: 1
Number graduated: 1
Graduate destinations: Clinical Academic Physicist
Number of students applied: 17
Number of offered admission: 0
Number entered: 0
Number graduated: 1
Graduate destinations: Clinical faculty/University hospital
Number of students applied: 19
Number of offered admission: 1
Number entered: 1
Number graduated: 1
Graduate destinations: Clinical faculty/University hospital
Number of students applied: 17
Number of offered admission: 1
Number entered: 1
Number graduated: N/a
Graduate destinations: N/a