Continuing Medical Education & Wellness Fund in Ophthalmology

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Fund #317819


Supports Continuing Medical Education & Wellness in Ophthalmology to Include but not Limited to Educational Materials & Equipment, Community Building, Review Courses, Meetings, Presentations, Travel, Awards, and Supplies.



Resident Wellness


A Lasting Impact

We are proud to train the next generation of learners and leaders in ophthalmology. A culture of wellness during residency can have a lasting impact on the future of patient care.


BuckEYE Community

Our residents travel to Ohio State from medical schools all across the US. We hope to foster Buckeye spirit and excellence in each of our learners over their 4 year stay with us.


We offer many opportunities for our residents to learn, grow, and collaborate within the ophthalmology community through team building activities.



Your generous support allows residents to attend and present at national meetings such as AAO, ARVO, AAPOS, AGS, and other educational events.