
EEIOphthalmology Excellence Fund | Fund Number: 312805 | For excellence in ophthalmology education, research, and patient care through events with physicians, donors and other constituencies

Support Excellence  



There are 200-300 genes that are known to cause eye diseases that doctors can screen for. The Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences is participating in a college-wide collaboration with the Division of Human Genetics within the Department of Internal Medicine. Research includes glaucoma, retinal dystrophies, corneal dystrophy, keratoconus, and other eye diseases and conditions. 

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Teleophthalmology Services

A significant portion of patients in surrounding Columbus offices were not getting their annual diabetic retinopathy exams. Imaging technology resources are set up in these offices and images are uploaded into the patient’s medical record. These can be retrieved and reviewed by Ohio State ophthalmologists.

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iCare Home Monitoring

The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center is leading the way in preventing glaucoma vision loss and glaucoma management with iCare Home Monitoring. iCare Home Monitoring uses a handheld device with a tiny, disposable tip that makes momentary contact with the surface of your eye to collect an eye pressure reading. 

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