Patti Blow Research Fund in Ophthalmology
Supports research in diseases such as diabetic retinopathy, AMD, and melanoma of the eye.
Supports research in diseases such as diabetic retinopathy, AMD, and melanoma of the eye.
Research and clinical imaging equipment to advance the study of vision-threatening conditions.
Supports advancements in research for innovative cures for blindness and eye disease.
Furthering vision research and education. Help patients with AMD and other ocular conditions.
Supports Education and Research
Supports The Surgery and Clinical Learning Center
Supports advancements in research for innovative cures for blindness and eye disease.
Patients appreciate the ability to use the newest FDA approved iCare HOME2 tonometer device to advance glaucoma care in the home.
Supporting medical advances in technology and medicine to help repair and retain vision.
Via the Muskingum County Community Foundation supports research on retinal diseases.
Supports research for the causes, prevention and cure of retinal diseases.
Supports ophthalmic research activities and dissemination of findings of a graduate student.
Supports eye research and treatment, especially for macular degeneration.