Make a difference

You perform an important and noble role. You're a healer. An innovator. A collaborator. You're leaving your mark on the field of medicine, just like The Ohio State University College of Medicine left a mark on you. As a College of Medicine alumnus, you're part of something bigger than yourself. Honor your career and your pride in Ohio State by supporting the physicians of tomorrow.

How to Give

How Alumni Can Help With COVID-19 Efforts

Watch the video to learn how you can help Ohio State

The Medical Alumni Society is working to find the best and most effective ways to help people and further our collective potential to help address the challenges of this global threat.

Learn more

Hear from a graduate

Thank you from Rachel Welch, MD

Rachel Welch, '19 MD shares her #OSUCOM story and the way that donors helped her change the course of her career.

Signature Funds

Featured Funds