Thanks to generous support from the College of Medicine, the Medical Alumni Society Student Enrichment grants help medical students achieve educational and public service goals. Each year, $30,000 ($15,000 per semester) is awarded to students and student organizations for community service, global health and other initiatives.

The bi-annual grants are designed to make an impact on medical education, the College of Medicine, and the community by providing funding that may otherwise not be available.

Each application will be judged according to the following criteria:

  • Quality of educational experience
  • Benefit to College of Medicine
  • Benefit to society
  • Cost-benefit of proposed project
  • Financial need and quality of budgeting

Any funds unaccounted for will be required to be returned. Student organization funds are issued as a check to the student org. Travel funds for individuals will be distributed to your student aid account.

If you have questions about your project, please feel free to reach out to

2024-2025 Funding Cycles

Limitations are as follows:

  • Funding is limited; please only ask for what you need.
  • Roughly $15,000 is awarded each cycle.
  • Funding will not be awarded for away rotations, or applications requesting funding to cover living expenses only.
  • Multiple applications benefiting the same organization will not be considered.
  • Students attending or presenting at a conference must communicate their level of involvement in the conference or professional meeting. Conference attendance will not be funded unless applicant is presenting either a podium presentation or a poster presentation. A podium presentation may be awarded an amount up to $300, and a poster presentation may be awarded an amount up to $250 based upon available funds. Proof of acceptance to present will be required.
  • Registration fees will only be covered for online conferences for the purposes of: presentation of virtual posters, presentations, or participation in society meetings and will be funded up to $100/person. Attendance only at these events will not be funded.
  • Funds must be used to offset costs; excess funds must be returned.
  • Students must withdraw their application and notify the College of Medicine Alumni office immediately if they are no longer in need of funding (e.g. withdraw of proposal, conference proposal not accepted, alternative funding secured).
  • Committee retains the right to request receipts verifying expenditures, and to demand the return of funds improperly used.
  • Applications are blind reviewed by a committee made up of current students and Medical Alumni Society Board of Governors.
  • Applicants will be notified of all decisions in October (fall cycle) and April (spring cycle).